Your Family Session.

I cannot wait to get to know you all and capture the connection and love you all have for each other.

Give your self plenty of time on the day of the shoot to get ready. If your rushed then it sets the mood for the whole shoot. It is also important to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before the session starts. This will give you time to get the kids organised and for us all to connect before jumping right in front of the lens.

How to prepare below


How to prepare for the day.


Prepare your children (and your husband).

Explain to your kids that your hanging out with a friend while they take some photos. Keep it fun, lighthearted and casual. You dont want to scare them with threats on not behaving.

Show them old photos of previous sessions and explain why its so important. Telling them how much fun the session will be and that you get to play with them and explore a new location.
A small bribe always works a treat too. Depending on the age of your children. Something little like an ice cream visit or a trip to their favourite cafe.

Golden hour is the best.


I understand kids can get pretty tired by the end of the day. So you may get a little nervous at how your kids are going to go if they get tired and ratty.
But kids love being outdoors, they also love staying out past their bedtime.
The thing is kids can get upset or have tantrums over the silliest things even on a good day. If there is a tantrum during a session we will all calm the situation down. Give them time to re group.

If the sessions are late in the summer months than consider giving your child a later nap. Or if they aren’t napping then giving them lots of rest the day of the shoot. Pop a movie on and let them chill.

Make sure your children come to the session with a nice full belly. So they don’t get Hangry during the session.

What to wear?

If I can make one suggestion its treat yourself mum. You need to feel amazing and comfortable, so choose your outfit first (go on… spoil your self) and work backwards from there. The most important thing to remember is dress comfortably and choose clothing that represents you and your family.

Enjoy my full clothing guide here

During the session.


Avoid getting your kids to say cheese or smile. I am chasing natural reactions and unposed moments. Saying cheese only brings out the fake smiles. For me it’s never about the smiles and more about the connection. I still aim for the “smile shots” but on the day things don’t always go to plan.

They get distracted with being outside so smiling on cue is not always going to happen. As long as they aren’t crying it’s a win for me. But I can promise I will capture so much love, connection, fun and personaility.

Expect there to be lots of random cuddles, tickle them, kiss them, play games with them, sing songs to them, talk to them about their favourite things, tell jokes, throw them in the air. Just have fun with them. And enjoy the family time together. 

A few tips


The night before

Have everything ironed and ready to go the night before the session.
Lay all options out and make sure you have tried the kids clothing on, everything fits well and they are happy to wear it.

Some things to pack.

Having a bag packed the night before with all the things you need for the day of the shoot.
Wipes, nappies, water bottles, mosquito repellent, clean snacks and a change of clothes in case and even a beer or champagne for the adults.

If you have younger kids you might want to bring their fave toy. A favourite teddy that they use as a comforter or even their favourite book. This will give them comfort if we need. I don’t mind that they are in the photos its part of their story. As long as your ok if it is in the photos.

Let’s get cosy

During the winter months be sure to layer your children up in warm clothes. A cute beanie can be used and warm scarves. Even a nice throw blanket for you to all cuddle under.
I have a picnic rug we can use for when we sit on the ground.

For the dads

Sometimes they need a bribe too…..If they are a little hesitant and unsure about how the session is going to go. Get them to have a beer or two before the shoot. Let him know how important these photos are to him. Let him get involved in the process too.

On the day

Let go of any expectations on how a session will go. Dont feel pressured to make everything perfect. Just be present with your family and enjoy the time together.

A soul so sweet, like wild honey; born of bees and wildflowers

— l. peterson